
tänker du på mig ibland?
Ich bin sooo froh und dankbar dafür, dass ich dich treffen konnte weil du für mich einfach das beste bist, was mir passieren konnte! Ich genieße jeden moment in dem ich bei dir sein kann und wenn du nicht bei mir bist, dann fehlt mir etwas ganz wichtiges.. DU!
Die zeit, die ich mit dir erleben kann ist für mich unvergesslich..
Ich liebe dich sooo sehr!
Chrischi, you found me!
"You Found Me"
Is this a dream?
If it is
Please don't wake me from this high
I've become comfortably numb
Until you opened up my eyes
To what it's like
When everything's right
I can't believe
You found me
When no one else was lookin'
How did you know just where I would be?
Yeah, you broke through
All of my confusion
The ups and the downs
And you still didn't leave
I guess that you saw what nobody could see
You found me
You found me
So, here we are
That's pretty far
When you think of where we've been
No going back
I'm fading out
All that has faded me within
You're by my side
Now everything's fine
I can't believe
You found me
When no one else was lookin'
How did you know just where I would be?
Yeah, you broke through
All of my confusion
The ups and the downs
And you still didn't leave
I guess that you saw what nobody could see
You found me
You found me
And I was hiding
'Til you came along
And showed me where I belong
You found me
When no one else was lookin'
How did you know?
How did you know?
You found me
When no one else was lookin'
How did you know just where I would be?
Yeah, you broke through
All of my confusion
The ups and the downs
And you still didn't leave
I guess that you saw what nobody could see
You found me
(You found me)
(When no one else was lookin')
You found me
(How did you know just where I would be?)
You broke through
All of my confusion
The ups and the downs
And you still didn't leave
I guess that you saw what nobody could see
The good and the bad
And the things in between
You found me
You found me
Hole in the head
Jag har alltid jagat bekräftelse. Likt en pundare på jakt efter heroin. Jag har alltid varit beroende. Behöver hela tiden påfyllning av bekräftelse från människor i min närhet. Och annars? Tomhet. Icke-existens.
Det känns som att jag har ett hål i huvudet där mitt lugn och förnuft sipprar ut. Där ondskefulla tankar kan ta sig in obehindrat. Jag kan inte styra dom, inte kontrollera dom på något vis. Det är som att tankarna lever sitt eget liv. Andra människor har ett filter, som tar bort dom mest skadliga, men efter år av självdestruktiva tankar har mitt filter slitits bort. Likt bandaget ur ett varigt sår.
Genom att jag jagar sådär efter bekräftelse så flyr jag, det förstår jag nu.
Jag är inte dum i huvudet. Jag har bara ett hål i det.
Ingen förstår, ingen behöver förstå.
Kennst du das Gefühl?
Ist deine Liebe echt?
Spiel' bitte nicht mit mir
Du weißt, wie weh das tut
Was sagt dein Herz dazu
Willst du nur mich allein
Ist deine Liebe echt?
Das wär' zu schön, um wahr zu sein..